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Drugs in Russia

 We can argue about what might be the consequences of drug use forever. But today the situation with the consumption of drugs is so terrible that only the facts are much worse than any assumptions. Thus, the consequances of the drugs in numbers:


550,000 people - the number of officially registered drug addicts. However, most experts agree that de facto, this figure rises from 2.5 to 5 million people.

About 100,000 people in the age of 30 die each year due to drug use (including people who die from serious diseases caused by drug use and their overdose) as of 2010.

2% of drug users become disabled.

105,000 - number of cases coming to the courts of the countries against people in one way or another connected with drug trafficking.

15-17 years - the average age of the drug addiction epidemic in Russia.

Russia is the largest consumer of heroin in the world (about 70 tons of heroin a year, with only 2.6 tons seized in 2010).

About 75,000 people a year for the first time try drugs.

2% of the population can be added to the number of drug users.

87% of drug addicts in Russia use opiates.

Children of 6-7 years old for the first time use drugs to which they were addicted by their own parents who are drug addicts as well. Moreover, more and more of such cases are being recorded.

13-15 people a year become drug addicts by the help of an ordinary drug addict.

Every year twice as many men die because of drugs in Russia than in all the 10 years of war in Afghanistan. Ironically more than 80% of drugs come from this country.

The material was prepared on the basis of FDCS (Federal Service for Drug Control), the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, as well as the opinions of experts in the field of addiction.

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